
Showing posts from 2018

Top 10 Essential Gadgets You Should Own.

  We all love our tech toys and I believe that there are some gadgets that everyone needs in order to make their personal life better.   Here are top 10 gadgets you should own. 1. Wireless Headphones:   We all like to use headphones, some people can't live without them, but it becomes frustrating when the wires of the headphones get tangled, giving you a hard time to untangle it before use, so buying a portable wireless headphones can you a lot of the stress and frustration of untangling your headphones wires and let you to go straight to listening to your favorite jams. 2. Portable Charger (Power Bank):   This is one of the essentials that I think no one should forget to carry. We all know how it sucks when you are stuck in a boring class or work and the only thing keeping you busy is your phone and then in the middle of the day, your phone battery dies. So to prevent that from happening, it is advisable to always carry a portable charger with you where

Waymo's Self Driving Car Lunch!

                  It's the last month of 2018 and self driving cars are still not seen on our roads, well that's not entirely true. Waymo has just launched its self driving car.   We remember Waymo as the part of Google that was working on its self driving car development project and that just recently made into its own separate division on December, two years ago.   Google holds the record of working and developing autonomous vehicles longer than any company, and for a year and half, Waymo has been testing and improving both the vehicle and the algorithm it runs on, and are now aiming towards taking passengers.   They plan to be like the regular " ride sharing " service companies in which you use the app, pick your destination, hail a ride and in a few minutes, one of Waymo's self driving minivans shows up. Waymo calls this service the " Waymo One. "   The vehicle is covered with high powered devices and sensors (e.g. radar, lidar, ultra

Samsung's True Bezel less Phone.

  We've all seen the new trend of bezel less phones, only, with notches that many people hate and are wishing for a completely bezel less phone with no notch. Well, Samsung might have just answered your prayers with their notch less bezel less phone.   Samsung recently did a presentation, and in that presentation, they talked about UPS (Under Panel Sensor). This means that all the sensors that you usually find on the top bezel or notch of your phone, (i.e. camera, light sensor, e.t.c.) will be imbedded in the screen.   They also talked about on display fingerprint sensor. This tech isn't necessarily a new trend, but what's different is that Samsung will be using ultrasonic technology for the fingerprint sensor, which means it will be more secure.   Next, they talked about SOD (Sound on Display).  This means that there won't have to be a cut_out hole for the sound to come out from.    They talked about HOD (Haptic on Display), for gaming.   The rumor

The Tesla's Model Y

Elon Musk's Tesla has produced some amazing cars, especially when you look at the Tesla models  but, he isn't stopping there and has set out for another model, the model Y.    During  the company's earnings call this week, Elon said that he had approved a prototype crossover E.V. to enter full scale production.    It is unlikely that we will see the model Y in 2019 but, this also means that the lunch date won't get past 2020.  Unfortunately, we don't know much about the model Y. Although, we have seen some few teasers and Musk once joked that it might not have a steering wheel but beyond that, we know nothing.   To get more tech news and updates like this one, subscribe to Worldtechnocrat.

Samsung's Next Generation of Phones

  Have you ever wished your smart phone was more powerful and had more battery life? OK, we all know that that answer will be an outstanding "yes!". But for that to be possible, it means that chip makers would have to make smaller and smaller silicon chips that will lead to the next generation of phones and leading the way is Samsung.    Samsung recently made a breakthrough by make 7 nanometer chips using Extreme ultraviolet or EUV. Although this technology has around for some time, it has not been good enough for it to be used because of the small and complex materials and ways that was need for it to be used.   Samsung is the first to breakthrough that barrier that has slowed down its development and usage. To know more on how Samsung does this, check out this video by Engadget that explains how Samsung manages to do this.   Samsung is not the only one tinkering with this technology, Taiwan's TSMC is currently also working on it too.   How long do you thin

How to Climb walls like Spiderman!

  People trying to mimic the powers of superheroes in the movies are almost as famous as the heroes themselves, and one of these is  Spiderman.   Check out this video by Tech Insider  that talks more on the technology developed by Draper and Dell Technologies that can makes you actually  climb walls like spiderman in real life. What do you thick about this new device? Let me know what you think by leaving a comment and subscribe to  World technocrat  for more latest tech news like this one.

3d Body Scanning

  Have u ever wanted to see  a perfectly replicated 3d model of yourself? Well, wait no more because 3d body scanning is here.   This is possible through a set of cameras that capture a 360° view of your body and produces a visual model of yourself for you to see.   This technology can be used in different applications. For example, it can be used scan yourself to produce an exact replica of yourself in virtual reality games. It could also be used for fashion related purposes, for example, Amazon bought a New York based start up called Body Labs that takes a 3d body scan of you and produces an avatar replica of you so that you can virtually try out clothes you want to buy when browsing their fashion section.   In the area of fitness, this technology is being integrated too. A company known as Naked Labs sells 3d body scanners that scan your body, produces a 3d model avatar of your self and reports your metric like body fat and lean muscle mass.   This techno

Top 10 Best Smart Phones 2018

There have been different phone releases from different phone companies that makes it hard to choose which of them to purchase. Today, we will be taking a look a the 10 best smart phones in 2018. * Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus: Released on march 16 2018, this smart phone has been said to be the best in 2018. Weighing 189g, it has a screen size of 6.2 inches. Powered by a snapdragon 845/exynos 9810 chip, with a 6gb RAM and storage space of 64gb or 128gb or 256gb, a dual rear camera of 12 megapixels each and front camera of 8 megapixels, a 3,500 man battery and running on an android 8.1/9.0, this smart sure has a lot of fire power! * Samsung Galaxy S9: This phone released the same day, along side the Galaxy s9 plus, also has some interesting features just like the s9 plus. With a screen size of 5.8 inches, it's a little bit smaller. Powered by a snapdragon 845 chip, with 4gb RAM and internal storage space of 64/128/256gb. A battery capacity of 3000 man, with a 12 megapi

LG's W7 Watch.

  Samsung has released its watch, apple has released its watch and Lg isn't keeping quite either. They are bringing out their own "w7 watch".   Check out the video below by "Engadget" for more information!   Please leave a comment for me to know what you think and subscribe to get more from "Worldtechnocrat"!

The Next Generation of Water!

The rate at which clean fresh water is becoming scarce is alarming. Researchers world wide are looking for ways to offset this by looking for alternative renewable sources of clean water. The "Zero Mass" company is looking at a place most of us wouldn't have thought of, the air. They are using hydro panels called "Source" which are basically solar panels, but one that is used to produce water instead of electricity. They do this by basically exposing substances in the panels that are hygroscopic (i. e substances that absorbs water from air when exposed) to the atmosphere. They take water from air, concentrate it in the panels then dispense it. They look like regular panels, but only the middle part contains the standard photovoltaic technology which produces electricity that powers the fans and communications inside the unit. The sides are made of proprietary porous material that generates heat. Another proprietary material inside the pa

Wallpaper TV!

The "wallpaper t.v." is one of L.G's "O Led" signage. As the name implies, it uses " o led display ", which means its display, is of high quality. it is a 65 inch 4k panel, uses an " alpha 9 processor" with "self_illuminating" pixels. It is incredibly thin, thinner than a smart  phone , even thinner than a pen as you can see in the picture below comparing the two.  It's important components are housed in the speaker unit and is connected to the TV by a single flat cable. The installation is relatively easy and it feels like it magnetically attaches its self to the wall so, no need for a TV stand. This TV kinda set a standard now for how TVs of the future should be like and we hope to see new innovations like this!

The Samsung "Galaxy Watch"

Its been a while now and Samsung has just released a new smart watch, the Samsung "Galaxy Watch". Check out its review by " Engadget" here.


Batteries are great, they help us store energy for future use, to power our home appliances and our electric vehicles but, they are getting old. Capacitors seems like the way to go for the future, "SUPERCAPACITORS" to be exact. Batteries store energy in form of chemicals. Essentially, they break down those chemicals to release the energy and then join then back together to recharge their energy, this makes them very slow when being charged. They also have a very short life span since they get degraded by the continues charging and discharging process. Capacitors on the other hand store energy in form of static electricity and are more durable, they pack more power, are charge instantly and are very easy and cheap to make, as simple as bringing two metal plates close to each other putting an insulator in between and connecting them. These are a lot of advantages when compared with batteries but they have one down side, they don't hold much energy. This is