We've all seen the new trend of bezel less phones, only, with notches that many people hate and are wishing for a completely bezel less phone with no notch. Well, Samsung might have just answered your prayers with their notch less bezel less phone. Samsung recently did a presentation, and in that presentation, they talked about UPS (Under Panel Sensor). This means that all the sensors that you usually find on the top bezel or notch of your phone, (i.e. camera, light sensor, e.t.c.) will be imbedded in the screen. They also talked about on display fingerprint sensor. This tech isn't necessarily a new trend, but what's different is that Samsung will be using ultrasonic technology for the fingerprint sensor, which means it will be more secure. Next, they talked about SOD (Sound on Display). This means that there won't have to be a cut_out hole for the sound to come out from. They talked about HOD (Haptic on Display), for gami...
We all know that light is a massless wave_particle that doesn't interact much with its surrounding, not until recently. Scientists fired a laser through ultracold "rubidium" atoms and the photons came out the other side in pairs and triples. The strength of the photonic bonds were measured based on its oscillation frequency. But this news is a not so new news! In 2013, scientists fired blue laser at ultracold rubidium gas cloud and formed photonic molecules in pairs. The only difference is that now, the molecules were formed in trios! Scientists even believe that the bond of the trios are stronger than that of the pairs. To explain how this works, scientists believe that as photons travel through the rubidium cloud, they are captured temporarily by the rubidium atoms, forming an atom_photon hybrid called the "Rydberg polariton". The photon then travels through the cloud repeating the process and if two or more of this atom_photon hybrid c...
It's the last month of 2018 and self driving cars are still not seen on our roads, well that's not entirely true. Waymo has just launched its self driving car. We remember Waymo as the part of Google that was working on its self driving car development project and that just recently made into its own separate division on December, two years ago. Google holds the record of working and developing autonomous vehicles longer than any company, and for a year and half, Waymo has been testing and improving both the vehicle and the algorithm it runs on, and are now aiming towards taking passengers. They plan to be like the regular " ride sharing " service companies in which you use the app, pick your destination, hail a ride and in a few minutes, one of Waymo's self driving minivans shows up. Waymo calls this service the " Waymo One. " The vehicle is covered with high powered devices and s...
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